Тема CAMO, TAM и ASOG с одной стороны проста, а с другой стороны вызывает путаницу.
Зачем нам столько табличек для DP операций и что с ними делать? Так совпало, что тем, кто работают в АРАМКО, пригрозили проверкой компетенции DP оператора как раз по этим темам. О CAMO, TAM и ASOG можно прочитать в циркуляре IMCA M220.
Для всех коллег, кто читал, но не может воедино собрать мысли, или кто хочет иметь быструю напоминалку, выкладываю текст ниже. Сразу на английском.
Critical Activity Mode of Operation (CAMO)
This is a tabulated presentation to configure the DP system, power generation and distribution, thrusters and position reference systems so that the DP system as a whole is fault tolerant and fault resistant. CAMO sets out the required equipment configurations and operational standards to meet its maximum level of redundancy, functionality and operation so that no single failure will exceed worst-case failures. CAMO configuration should be prepared from the DP FMEA and the vessel’s operational characteristics. The term Safest Mode of Operation (SMO) has been used previously to describe CAMO. CAMO covers green and blue (advisory) conditions and the following items:
- Generators set up, open or closed bus-tie, power management, 100% output test and UPSs.
- Thrusters and 100% output test.
- Manual controls and IJS.
- DP control system, consequence analysis, mode availability and selection.
- PRSs and sensors, testing and selection, placement of targets.
- Fuel/sea water/compressed air system, their redundancy, isolations and crossovers.
- DP station and ER manning, including watchkeeping rotation and competency of watchkeepers.
- Trials and checklists.
Task Appropriate Mode (TAM)
This configuration accepts that a failure could result in effects exceeding the worst-case failure, such as blackout or loss of position and/or heading. TAMmay be appropriate in situations where the consequences of a loss of position are low and will not result in damage to people, the environment or equipment. A typical situation for TAM is when time to safe termination is short and the vessel is outside 500m safety zone, as against CAMO when time to safe termination is long and operation is within the 500m safety zone. TAM is developed after documented risk assessments have been carried out. Typical items considered in TAM are the same as in CAMO.
Activity Specific Operating Guidelines (ASOG)
ASOGdiffers from CAMO and TAM in that it relates to a known location and activity. ASOG is developed by considering the operational, environmental and equipment performance limits for the DP vessel in relation to the specific location. Where a decision has been made to operate in TAM, a separate ASOG covering TAM should be produced. The ASOG performs the same function as Well Specific Operating Guidelines (WSOG) for drilling vessel.
ASOG covers green, blue (advisory), yellow and red conditions and the following items:
- Weather and environmental conditions, positioning performance and excursions.
- Drive-off and drift-off scenarios.
- Diesel generators and loads minimum required for the activity, performance limits and failures.
- Thrusters and loads minimum required for the activity, performance limits and failures.
- Battery and UPS systems and failures.
- Fuel/sea water/compressed air systems, performance limits and failures.
- DP control system, Operator’s Station, DP networks, including operation and redundancy, failures.
- PRSs and sensors, number of enabled systems and performance, failures.
- Critical communications, performance and failures.
- Non-essential DP systems, including ventilation and a/c – performance and failures.
- Fire, flood, visibility, collision, including threat to safety of the DP operation.
- Simultaneous operations (SIMOPS), including communications with assets.
С уважением
Евгений Богаченко